Surely many people suffer from some kind of constipation. This constipation is usually caused by some bad habits both physical exercise and diet. There are people who only perform a daily defecation and it is more than enough. Other people with a diet rich in fiber and who perform in a physical exercise according to their level and goal can get to do more than 3 defecations a day. However, there are other people who may have trouble for them. Therefore, we will give some folk remedies for constipation.
If you want to know about what are the best home remedies for constipation, this is your post.
Why does constipation take place
There are people who have problems with constipation without any pathology. Normally these problems are associated with lack of physical exercise and a diet low in fiber. The important thing about a person is that he can be able to go to the toilet in good condition and can be pleasant without getting there causes any health problems. To do this, it is important that you have a regularity. If you don’t leave a year on a daily frequency, we may be constipated.
The most main causes of constipation may be the following:
- Diet failures: In the diet there may be a lack of foods rich in fiber, abundance of nutrient-poor and very refined foods or lack of fluids.
- Physical inactivity: people who are sedentary and do little physical exercise. They are also those who spend lying or sitting most of the time. Physical activity is needed for good intestinal transit.
- Metabolic abnormalities: there are people suffering from hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, porphyria, amylosis
- Hormonal abnormalities: Hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, panhypopituitarism, pheochromocytoma, among other
- Structural alterations : they have to do with bowel diseases, such as irritable bowel, tumors, nerve problems, brain, etc.
- Other causes: these can be more repeated enemas and exposure to organophosphates
Folk remedies for constipation
If someone has difficulty in being able to go to the toilet they should discuss what may be the main causes of it. However, if they are problems but need any kind of medical intervention, you can use home remedies for constipation. Let’s see what are the main folk remedies for constipation.
The first thing is to analyze the diet. Diet is one of the most likely factors of provoking constipation. Normally, people do not follow a diet with a high fiber content, but abuse refined and processed products. These foods usually have a low content of essential nutrients and a high sugar content. To this we add a low physical activity and chronic sedentary lifestyle.
Another fundamental aspect is hydration. In order for waste to be moved smoothly along the body and intestine, it needs to be kept well hydrated. If we usually have problems with constipation, it is best to drink water more often, even if we are not thirsty.
There are some more recommended foods to avoid constipation and add to the diet. These foods are rich in fiber and high in nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. We find a great variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, seed husks and some additives such as alginate, gum arabic, carrageenan and guar.
If you have a clear problem of chronic and severe constipation, use enema. Don’t use it unless it’s something necessary. Another home remedy for constipation is to perform a belly massage several hours after ingesting the last meal. It is good to drink a glass of water to be able to fluidify the fecal bolus. This massage is not recommended to carry out pregnant if any type of pain is experienced.
Phytotherapy in folk remedies for constipation
There are people who abuse the laxative substances. These are usually herbal preparations that are active for their content in anthraquinones. These herbal preparations usually have castor oil, adobe peel, cascara sacred, among others. The problem with these laxatives is that excessive doses can lead to frequent bowel movements along with colic and bloody positions. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a doctor if you are going to use purgants and not take them frequently.
There are some studies that are contradictory regarding colon hydrotherapy. This is a process to be able to clean the entire colon, not only the bottom as it is done by the lavatives, but completely. This should only be done punctually in case of obstruction and with personnel prepared to perform it.
With regard to phytotherapy as home remedies for constipation we find the plantain. The plantain contains mucilages that are able to protect the intestinal mucosa. It is used as an infusion and is taken when water is lived to be able to recover intestinal mucus. Another remedy is to take the husks of zaragatona seed. This seeds increase the fecal mass. It is advisable to take one or two full teaspoons dissolved in a glass of water. It is more advisable to take after meals for greater effect.
Wholemeal corn can also be taken as it is rich in soluble fiber and help regulate intestinal transit. Keep in mind that whole corn is a fairly satiating cereal and is marketed in the form of cobs, flour, grains and semolina.
How to prevent constipation
Apart from having different home remedies for constipation, it is best to learn how to prevent it. The important thing is to eliminate its causes so as not to have it again. We can do the following:
- Chew food more
- Do not suppress the urge to defecation
- Have a diet rich in fiber, with plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Drink water whenever you are thirsty
- If you are in the toilet at the same time every day
- Exercise frequently. It is enough 20 minutes a day 3 three times a week.
- not use purgants unless necessary.
I hope that with this information you can know the various home remedies for constipation.