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Flat winding in men

Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and lack of exercise are the perfect ingredients to grow our belly over time. However, we can modify our living habits to get a flat stomach in a short time. Depending on how much fat we have to reduce in our abdomen, we may have a flatter abdomen in longer or shorter time. Flat belly in men is quite in demand by general aesthetics and by society.

Therefore, we will dedicate this article to tell you all the tips on how to have a flat stomach in men.

Flat stomach in men with diet

Although dieting does not have to mean a reduction in the food to be consumed, if it is true that there will be a caloric restriction in our diet. In order to begin to reduce our percentage of fat we need to have an energy deficit in the diet. This means that we are going to eat less calories than we are going to spend throughout the day. In this way, we get that every day we have a negative energy balance that will make us start to lose our fat.

Keep in mind that when we start to lose weight, at first most of the weight we lose belongs to liquids. This means that the caloric restriction diet must be constant over time to be able to start using fat reserves as an energy source. To be able to have a perseverance and motivation over time it is necessary to measure. We can’t control what we don’t measure. That is, when we start our nutritional plan with a caloric restriction it is important to measure our current fat percentage and our contours a fold is to then see the evolution with the passage of days and weeks.

It is true that performing exercises is essential to be able to lose the fat of the whole body. However, what they say about performing abs to be able to have a flat stomach in men is totally a lie. You can not lose localized fat in any way. The body by genetics will tend to lose fat from where it is programmed. If your body decides to lose leg fat first before that of the abdomen, you can not do anything to reverse this order.

Importance of flat stomach in men


should be borne in mind that having a flat stomach in men is not only important for aesthetics. There are many people who have a health deficit due to their percentage of fat that accumulates mainly the stomach area. In these places there are main organs that can generate various diseases if the amount of abdominal fat is too much.

There are several types of fat that we store in our body: on the one hand, we have subcutaneous fat and, on the other hand, we have visceral fat. Visceral fat is one that is stored around the organs inside our body. We can’t see this one with the naked eye. We need a bioimpedance scale or other more advanced techniques. Subcutaneous fat is the one that is stored under the skin and is what makes us look more or less aesthetic.

What you need to keep in mind is that you won’t be able to see your abs even if you do a lot of them unless your percentage of fat in the abdomen is low. Normally to obtain a flat stomach in men and to be able to mark all visible abs you need approximately between 10 -12% body fat. One of the aspects to consider for health improvement is to have good digestion as a starting point. We have to have good digestions and we want to have a flat stomach in men. Digestions that do not have discomfort or burning and that have an adequate metabolization of fats. This makes it essential to look at the food we consume, the process by which we prepare and the order in which we digest them.

Tips for reducing the abdomen

Let’s now look at some of the most relevant tips to be able to reduce the abdomen and get a flat stomach in men. Before strengthening the abdominal muscles by exercises it is essential to eliminate the fat found in this area. To be able to remove body fat from the whole body you need a caloric deficit in the diet and increased physical activity. Weight exercise is essential to lose fat and not muscle mass in the process. If there is no caloric deficit in the diet, the rest what you do will not matter.

You can increase your daily caloric expenditure by walking, jogging or cycling for 1 hour a day. It may be quite interesting to perform some aerobic exercises of higher intensity for less time. These aerobic exercises won’t make you lose more fat because of their intensity, but they will reduce the time you have to spend on them. If you are a busy person and do not have so much time a day to devote to aerobic exercises, it is better to use intensity art exercises.

We know that constant is the key to success on any side. In order to have a flat stomach in men you need to be constant and not to jump out of diet or workouts at every moment. If you are constant in time and enjoy what you do the results will come on their own.

There are many professionals who claim that most failures in diets do not depend on what foods are eaten, but on the amount of portions. Therefore, it is important to eat a balanced diet adapted to you. You do not have to reduce any type of macronutrients to be able to lose fat. Most often, fats are removed from the diet to reduce calories. However, you have to eat a certain amount of healthy fat so that the body has this nutrient for its vital functions.

It is a matter of time before you reach your goals with these tips. I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to get a flat stomach in men.

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