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What to ask on a first date?

A first date can be infallible to be able to give a good impression and get to give the best version of yourself. If it is not just a date and there are nervousness, then surely your expectations with that person go far beyond what was thought.

A quote can create moments of uncertainty, with misadjusted words or uncomfortable silences due to lack of topic. Knowing what to talk about on a first date can become stressful if there has been “feeling”, although sometimes it is better to be prepared on how to ask the appropriate questions and have total success.

Have a correct first date

Composure, detail, place, formality… are the details that comfort a nice date and a good first impression. As a tip it is ideal to say that one has to be what it is like, the more naturalness the person expresses, the more chances he has to create a much more comfortable environment.

It is known that a first date is synonymous, in most cases, with nervousness and some anxiety, that is why the first contact does not have to be too long. It should not last more than two hours and even if the date is fun, it wouldn’t be the rest to end it after that time, so it will create interest for a second date.

The most suitable places of appointment are public places, it is not a good idea to stay in a place too intimate as a house, as it can be challenging for the other person. Or places like cinema or places of great distraction that makes it not focus on you.

For your first date you have to be groomed but with natural appearance, do not stress some details that may exceed your personality or go with abundant perfume since it remains virility.

It is important that what we are going to say has a rational thought and resembles reality. Nothing to give internalized messages that give the feeling of fears and insecurity.

What can I talk about?

Once the ice has broken it’s time to talk about the most natural. You have to tune in to neutral topics, do not contradict the other person or raise your voice to make it noticeable.

We must avoid talking about politics, football or religion, perhaps you can talk something that happens with today but without going much further, we must not enter into controversy.

If your advice is good to use silences and it is better to use the gestures and position of your body. This creates more moments of intensity and gives a little halo of mystery. Apart from all these tips it will always have a lot of meaning to talk and ask, but you have to do it correctly. It’s never else trying to get to know the other person and that’s why we can give you a little guide on the types of questions you can get to question.

Questions for a first appointment

Have you had other relationships with other men? is a topic that interests, if you want to answer it in a short way, without going any further than the question. Also avoid talking about your ex-partners no matter how hurt you are with them.

What would you like to do in this life? It is a good way to clarify whether that woman has goals and projects that mark her character.

How do you like men? This kind of question interests and a lot. You probably don’t want to make it out of modesty, but with a little bravery he can solve a few doubts about the kind of man he’s interested in.

What do you like about a relationship? This question goes in line with the previous one, it can give you more keys on how you would like to live a relationship with passion.

Who would you like to look like? Maybe he’s got a heroin in his head or maybe he doesn’t. It is an innocent question that many women still do not know how to concretize, but they will like to ask themselves this kind of question.

Would you change something from your past? It is that question that we even raise ourselves. The answer says a lot about that person’s insecurities.

What do you like to make you passionate about? This way you can know what he is passionate about, know his tastes and hobbies. What’s the best thing that happened to you in your life? Surely they are giving many more keys to what their preferences are, this serves as a strategy to be able to anticipate wanting to make you happy on your next appointment.

Where would you like to travel?What was the best trip of your life? It is a subject that is passionate, as you can share memories and experiences.

Do you have great friends? It is one of the keys that can give you a lot of information about their social life. If you are a very extroverted person you will be interested in how your concept of friendship fits with others. If you are an introverted person you may want to focus your behavior for some kind of reason that interests you.

What was your childhood like? It is a very descriptive situation of being able to find out if that girl has had a joyful childhood or if she has gone through moments of distress that she can now drag.

How are you getting along with your family? It is a way to want to share in a loving way how family ties are established with your loved ones.

If you want to know something more about his personality there are never missing questions like what music do you like to listen to? this kind of question tells a lot about the person, it covers a lot about how he thinks and how his feelings are. Any movies you liked? Do you see something on TV you’re passionate about? are also questions that tell a lot about preferences and tastes about it.

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