When we begin a stage of muscle mass gain or fat loss we are interested in starting to read about this world. It is here that we begin to see the different types of body that exist depending on their morphology and capabilities. These types of body are called somatotypes. There are several types of somatotypes and each has features that make that person unique. When training is necessary to take into account each person’s abilities to adapt the training to each level and goal.
Therefore, we will dedicate this article to tell you everything you need to know about different body types and somatotypes.
Types of body in men
If you are a tall and slender man there are some features that relate to the lack of strength of training or a seemingly too weak body shape. There are several types of people depending on the morphology of your body. The set of features that form a body type is considered to be a somatotypes. Somatotypes are divided into three: ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs.
When training you need to know the type of body you have to adapt the workouts to your abilities both to recruit muscle fibers and rest from workouts.
Somatotypes: ectomorphic
Let’s analyze what are the main features of an ectomorph. The characteristics of this type of body are related to the late onset of puberty since the bones are longer and need more time to grow than in other types of physical constitutions. The pelvis is usually wider than the shoulders and overweight may build up on the thighs and hips.
Joints and workouts
The joints of this type of body are quite mobile. The muscles extend mostly in length before the width. This makes you have a much smaller overall volume than other somatotypes. This type of people are those who are struggling to gain widespread volume throughout the body and take longer to advance in the gym. They create a serial hypertrophy better than in parallel. That is, it is important to emphasize the eccentric training and plyometries. This is thanks to its large muscle extension capacity.
Eccentric workouts are those that prioritize the eccentric phase by reaching it to slow down to maintain a mechanical stress for longer. The circulatory system of ectomorphs has lower blood pressure. His pulse at rest is relatively accelerated and his blood circulation is weak. This leads to vasodilation what is vasoconstriction like at the greatest slowness. These factors often make your hands and feet colder and even some kind of vertigo to get up.
Nervous system and digestion
In these individuals the nervous system is very effective. They usually have a rapid reaction and are more sensitive to varied stimuli. However, they are more sensitive to pain and tend to suffer increased stress from the neuromuscular system. Digestion in these objects is slower as they absorb nutrients with greater difficulty. It can not be considered as effective digestion. They usually have low blood sugar levels so it is more advisable to take five meals a day to better have glycemic levels.
As for the posture of the body, it should be said that because of a narrower chest there is little room for the intestines. This makes the belly soles to bulge with almost any food however small it is. This causes postures and hyperordotic. All these facts must be taken into account to correct during training.
These individuals generate long levers during muscle fiber recruitment exercises. They usually have muscles longer than wide. This causes the strength improvements to be smaller and more gradually. You have to follow different training program to better adapt to improvements. In the same way, if an ectomorph let training his loss of strength and muscle mass becomes more visible and evident than in other somatotypes.
Somatotypes: mesomorphs
They are those called as those who are genetically blessed. It is a body type with an athlete’s appearance. Blood circulation muscle performance are good as they have a low blood pressure and bradycardia. The most negative is that if you enter old age, if physical activity is decreased, the risk of heart disease increases. Aerobic training is advisable on a more regular basis.
In these types of individuals dilations of blood vessels occur more quickly. It better withstands the cold of the ectomorph. Muscle strength has good connective tissues and strong stretching reflex. They usually have high levels of adrenaline and a powerful musculature. Its digestion develops normally unlike the previous case.
Somatotypes: endomorphs
It is those people who have a large accumulation of fat and rounded shapes. The main feature is since somatotype is that it has the weakest blood circulation and musculature. They are stronger than ectomorph, which leads to establishing their posture somewhat stiffer but more mobile than a mesomorph.
They have a good assimilation of nutrients with good digestion. However, this makes weight gain more easily. Therefore, your diet should include less energetic foods than other somatotypes in order to maintain an optimal balance between strength and weight. Their ability to relax is very good and they are usually less sensitive to pain. However, all its functions develop more slowly. They usually have a slow pulse at rest, low blood pressure, and late puberty. They are usually people who are sedentary and overweight or obese.
Because they have great problems with preserving body weight in case of injury, it becomes necessary to have a more adequate life and more intense endurance training.
As you can see, different types of body cater to somatotypes and each should take into account some main aspects. I hope that with this information you can learn more about somatotypes and body types.