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Three-Day Beard — The Mistakes You Should Avoid

Chris Pine

The ‘three-day beard’ is one of the most popular styles. And it’s no wonder. One of the main reasons is that it favors most men, although we must not forget that it is easy to maintain and having a fairly thick facial hair is not a requirement for it to work, as is the case with longer beards.

While the advantages long outweigh the drawbacks, it doesn’t matter to pay attention to those little details that can make your ‘three-day beard’ not look as flawless as it could. Here are some of the mistakes you need to avoid:

Wearing it too short or too long

A ‘three-day beard’ too short can make it look like you just haven’t had time to shave in the morning, while too long can cause a Unadvisable scuff effect, especially at work.

Usually the optimal length is reached 3-4 days after shaving. Or when you notice that, by passing your hand through your beard, the hairs are already flat against your face, and therefore, you have already left behind that first phase of growth that is characterized by a stabbing quality that, incidentally, can be a little unpleasant for the couple.

Thinking that it does not need maintenance

The ‘three-day beard’ is one of the ones that need less work on our part, although it belongs to low-maintenance ones, it is necessary to spend a few minutes every day. Adjust your beard trimmer to 3-4 mm and slide it all over your beard until you get a uniform result. Then remove the protector or use a razor to clean the neck (just below the nut) and remove loose hairs on the cheeks.

Ignoring the shape of the beard

Adapting the shape of the beard to that of your face will allow you to harmonize your factions. The cheek line can make your face look more elongated or round depending on its position. If you have an elongated face, consider keeping such a line as high as possible. On the other hand, round faces work better both a cheek line and a lower jaw line, the latter taking care that it does not enter the terrain of the neck.

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