There are people who love to feel adrenaline and who feel a real danger on an ongoing basis. Therefore, there are sports at risk. It is a type of sport that presents a real or apparent danger to the physical integrity of those who practice it. Some of them come to present a vital risk. It can be both sports performed in difficult to extreme conditions or some activities whose risks can not be fully controlled by the fact of having a good technical or physical preparation.
In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about risky sports and its features.
What are risk sports
It is a type of sport that can be performed in extreme conditions or that a good physical or technical preparation does not prepare or inhibit you from the risk. One of the elements that can define risk sports is the pursuit of adrenaline injections by the athlete.
This sports set is a synonym of creativity, passion and experimentation. Many people are looking for new emotions and the harder it will be the more attractive challenge. This generation of adrenaline is not achieved with the practice of other more common sports. However, just as it is synonymous with creativity, it is also at risk to health or physical integrity. Sometimes it may pose a danger to life. Among the conditions that define it as an extreme sports practice we have some more frequent elements. One of them is speed and another is altitude. This does not mean that they are the only characteristics that define it.
The list of risk sports is endless. Some of the classics for what is usually identified are those that seem like real madness rather than a sport. The truth is that these sports can be practiced by land, ice or snow and riding mountain biking, skiing. You can also go through unexplored virgin sites of high mountains, canyoning or canyons, free climbing, mountaineering, parkour, etc.
Examples can also be exceptional jumping, extreme boxing, surf with excessive waves, free-flying with wings, skydiving from a building or plane, bungee jumping and many more. As we have mentioned before, in all these risk sports, the reason for their practice is mainly the search for emotions, this factor being more attractive. In this type of sports may not be vitally important to a physical preparation. However, it’s not the only thing that attracts.
Attractiveness of risk sports
Without a doubt behind these sports there is a gene that makes us look for our limits or a clumsy need to differentiate ourselves. Many people want to overcome themselves or overcome certain fears. These sports are used to achieve these goals and every year new variants of these sports emerge.
Although it sounds attractive to many people, we need to know if everyone can do them. Obviously, this answer is easily answered: no. Gives all people can perform at risk sports since physical and mental preparations are required, accompanied by years of training in a discipline and progressing level of difficulty.
These requirements go far beyond the classic medical check-up to know our state of health. However, such a checkup is necessary if we want to be overweight or some heart disease, due to the intense load of adrenaline and emotional they have. Many people have well-known physical problems such as spine, limbs, or hypertension. Those with cardiovascular risks should not play risky sports.
For other risky activities you don’t need to be very prepared, but simply launch yourself to do them. In this case, we have bungee jumping and rafting, among others. Although for many of them a high level of strength, endurance and dexterity is required, it is not enough to eliminate the danger that this poses. And it is that over the years this kind of sports has come the cemeteries of many wasted lives.
Interpretation of risky sports can be performed freely, just as there are any other type of sport.
Why do you like these sports
Beyond the adrenaline or the sense of self-well-being, there is a science behind which seeks the reason these risky sports attract so much. We know that the OPRL1 gene is responsible for regulating fear and post-traumatic stress. Therefore, we can scientifically explain why some individuals have a greater predisposition to find boundaries or do not seem to be impressed by traumatic episodes. For example, we have found professionals like Fernando Alonso to compete again weeks after he was about to die in a competition.
Other people are more likely to develop psychiatric diseases with any traumatic episodes.
Let’s give some risk sports recommendations that can be recommended for those people who want to make themselves see to perform them for the first time. We know that risky sports involve impulses or attractions that are difficult to regulate by ourselves. If we decide to perform some of these sports it is best to start your practice with experienced professionals. These professionals can help us to advise us on the practices and technique that should be taken during the execution of the exercise. In addition, they will be able to determine whether or not we are acts for the practice of this sport. And it is not only worth with the will, but it must also be adjusted to our physical conditions and expectations.
The difference between enjoying this sport and ending our life prematurely can be marked with years of physical and technical preparation. Some of the most recommended sports are ultrafondo racing, ultratrails, vertical km, triathlon, crossings, ironman, ultraman, etc. We know that they are one more step in that continuous search for emotions and the need to differentiate from others.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about risk sports and their characteristics.