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How to remove pimples

We all have pimples or have ever had in our life. This is because our skin is not perfect and caters to a natural process that causes the skin to regenerate every 28 days approximately. This regeneration process causes the skin to remain remains of dead cells that make it look quite dull visually. It is also normal for this natural skin process to produce some impurities that appear on the skin such as blackheads, shin guards and excess fat. In this article we will teach you how to remove pimples.

If you’ve tried everything and don’t know how to remove pimples, this is your post.

What are pimples

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, our skin has a natural regeneration process. Dead skin, dirt and other bacteria that are trapped in the hair follicles can be generated during this process. All this falls under the surface of the skin and ends up looking like pimples. Pimples are elements that clog these pores and prevent the skin from regenerating as normal as it requires.

One of the fundamental aspects of pimples is their unaesthetic appeal. This kind of impurities on the face quickly jump into sight. Many people, especially women, try to disguise pimples using makeup. What you need to keep in mind is that all this is not a matter of aesthetics, but about knowing how to take care of the health of your skin.

Prevent pimples

Before you learn how to remove pimples, the fundamental thing is to know how to prevent their appearance. The truth is that there is a genetic question for the appearance of a greater or smaller number of pimples. This genetic predisposition is difficult to counteract. However, there are other external factors that influence its appearance and which we can control.

Therefore, some of the habits we can acquire in our day to day to day to prevent the appearance of pimples or reduce their amount are as follows:

  • Do not touch the pimples when they appear
  • . Wash your face often with a soap suitable for it.
  • Do not eat in large quantities fatty or spicy foods
  • Avoid eating dairy, screaming, sugar or reducing their amount noticeably
  • Take enough water
  • Avoid using makeup as much as possible
  • Perform physical exercise to maintain good blood circulation and eliminate toxins in excess

How to remove pimples

Once we have tried to prevent their appearance as much as possible, we will learn how to remove pimples. If even doing everything we have mentioned above continue to get pimples on your face, it is possible to remove them. Let’s give some of the most effective tips to be able to learn how to remove pimples.

The first thing is to try to remove them with baking soda. This is because this chemical acts as an acid a base and it can help neutralize any imbalance in the pH of the skin. The cause of this imbalance is the most common for the appearance of acne and pimples. Baking soda will help to dry the skin and remove excess oil that makes black dots grow. It also has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help reduce the size of them.

If we mix baking soda, water, a thin and lumpy paste will form which will help cleanse and exfoliate the skin at the same time. It will help to remove oil, dirt and dead skin cells. We just need to combine baking soda with a little water. You have to clean your face before using it to improve the results. It is not advisable to leave baking soda on the pimples for the whole night, as many people do. This can overdry the skin and damage it. If you have sensitive skin, you need to be careful using baking soda. It can cause avoidance redness on those skin is more sensitive.

To avoid this, it is most advisable to use baking soda in a specific area and let them act. If you see that it remains of action, baking soda is not its solution.

Baking soda and orange to know how to remove pimples

If we have seen before that baking soda with water was a good mixture, the definitive solution is orange. The accident orange helps close the pores and nourishes the skin by brightening it. Bicarbonate serves as natural scrubs and helps to remove all types of impurities. This exfoliation helps the skin breathe better and stimulate oxygenation of cells. In this way, it can be kept healthy, fresh and with a soft and bright colour.

To use the baking soda and orange mixture you need to mix a tablespoon of each ingredient until a pasty mixture is formed. It should be borne in mind that orange juice has to be natural. Apply it to the face avoiding the eye part and leave for 15 minutes. Then massage your face with your fingertips to strengthen this exfoliating effect. Rinse with water.

There is also another method of learning how to remove pimples and you do not need baking soda or any mixture. For this method you only need water and a towel. Bring water to a boil and when it comes to a boil remove it from the heat. Next, we will put a towel above our head and absorb the vapors from the water. This will help us open the poles so that all the impurities come out. Keep your head in contact with water vapor for about 10 minutes. Treatment will help unclog the nostrils and treat some breathing problems.

Excess steam on the face may end up overdrying it. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this method more than 2 times a week. Finally, wash your face with cool water to close your pores again.

I hope that with this information you can learn how to remove pimples.

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