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Healthy lifestyles

On social media they are continually riddling us with infographics, and videos and photos about healthy lifestyles. However, there are many people who still do not know what this is. Healthy lifestyles are a global strategy that serves to create a tendency to care for health and is framed within the prevention of diseases and increasing our health.

In this article we will tell you what are the healthy lifestyles we need to feel better and to prevent the onset of diseases.

What are healthy lifestyles

This strategy aimed at promoting health began in 2004 and has spread more and more. With the expansion of social media, it is much easier to post activities, strategies and nutrition to follow to achieve these healthy lifestyles. This trend was generated by a statement from the world health organization to improve all the risk factors that lurk us in food and sedentary lifestyle.

The first thing we need to analyze is the food we currently have. The pace of life of human beings has increased at bounds. We have to take a lot of time to be productive because most of the time we spend working or moving. Fast and ultra-processed foods are increasingly abounding in the diet of an average citizen. Studies show that the consumption of about 4 ultra-processed ones after the day can accelerate death by 62%.

On the other hand, there are many sedentary jobs and quiet rhythms of life. The more technology and amenities we have the less we move. We can go anywhere on motor transport. In our home, we have many distractions such as mobile phones, televisions and computers, among others. It is becoming easier to live without moving and moving on their own. All this falls on the health of our body.

Features of healthy lifestyles

These lifestyles take into account the presence of various risk factors and factors that help us protect our well-being. This means that, first of all, they should be well seen by society. There are people who are too obsessed with the topic of healthy lifestyle. Others, however, do not pay any attention to it.

It is a dynamic process that is not only composed of individual actions and behaviors, but also consists of social actions. These lifestyles have been considered as determinants and determinants of the health status of the general population.

So, what is defined as a healthy lifestyle are those acts that a person performs regularly in his daily life and that help him have a good maintenance of health and reduce the risks of disease. It is important to teach these healthy habits since they are small so that some basic aspects of life can be adopted. Suddenly changing a person’s behavior in his day to day can be quite complicated. It is even more complicated if we are talking about an adult person with a certain number of customs rooted since he was a child.

By adopting these healthier basics, we can increase the quality of life of the individual. In turn, we are talking about an enactative activity. That is, a person who has a healthy lifestyle can condition others to have it too. We are used to seeing how many people acquire certain habits nothing but by looking at others. In this case, it is a benefit to society as a whole as everyone is going to do with something positive.

It is proved that children whose parents and other family members have a good lifestyle have a greater predisposition to acquire them over time than to refuse other types of harmful behavior. These are the reason that makes it quite advisable to introduce these concepts into the life of a child since he is young. This way we make it something that does not cost them to modify.

Fundamentals of healthy lifestyles

To have a good healthy lifestyle it is essential to perform some habits in our daily. Habits that are related to both nutrition and disease prevention and exercise. Let’s point out some of the things we need to do and describe them briefly:

Healthy Eating

Maintain a healthy, balanced and adequate diet depending on age and situation. This is vitally important in order to keep the body well nourished according to needs. The nutrition of an athlete is not the same as of a sedentary person. It is necessary to adhere to certain patterns in diet and get the body to acquire all the nutrients necessary to stay healthy. A good diet also helps to prevent various diseases.

Practice physical exercise

There is nothing more important than staying active in our day to day. It can already be a person who, real food all the time you take great care of the amount of vitamins, minerals and the rest of macronutrients that you eat, that if you do not do any physical exercise you will not be healthier. Putting both ends: a person who does no exercise but eats very well. On the other hand, a person who eat very badly but does a lot of exercise and remains active in their day to day. In the long term, the second individuals will have more health.

Sleep well

Rest is the fundamental thing to recover from both workouts and our daily and reduce our stress.

Proper hygiene

The lesson is essential for the prevention of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

Soak up the sun

A good dose of sunshine daily helps us ingest the vitamin D we need.

Avoid tobacco

Tobacco contains more than 70 carcinogenic substances.

Decreased stress

Stress is one of the psychological factors that most destroys people’s health. Learn to control the organization of your day to day and you will see that your stress decreases little by little.

I hope with these tips you can learn more about healthy lifestyles.

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