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Games for seniors

We all grow old sooner or later and this does not mean that we have to lose the vitality and desire to have fun. It is important that older people can continue to enjoy each day to increase their health and prevent disease. These activities have to be productive and should keep them active both physically and mentally. That is why we will dedicate this article to know the best games for seniors.

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Recommended activities for seniors

It is clear that older people are not able to perform the same physical activities as young people. It should be borne in mind that the limitations are greater and the motor capacity of each one also. For this reason, it is necessary to play games for older people adapted to their limitations and abilities. These games are necessary for all stages of life but are highly recommended for seniors given their great benefits.

Among the benefits we have of games for seniors include the following:

  • Encourage sociability
  • Active in the mind
  • It is a source of entertainment and fun
  • Improves positivity and self-esteem
  • Improves physical ability
  • Delays aging

An active body and mind take longer to deteriorate due to aging. Whether all this we also add good nutrition we will be giving the necessary keys to be able to have health for as long as possible.

Below we will make a list of the best games for seniors and a brief description of each one.

The best games for seniors

Board games

Classic lifelong board games that encourage sociability among older people and many of them encourage ingenuity and creativity. These games are domino, cards, bingo or parchis. In addition, they can get some benefits such as mental agility and social participation.

He see i see

It’s a classic from the smallest. In this game one of the group members choose object that has a certain initial letter. The rest of the participants should tell the possible objects they can be. The person who chooses the object can give clues or report on where the room is located. The one who guesses may have some kind of special prize to give more competitiveness and vidilla to the fire.

What does it smell like?

This is another kind of game that can give participants a lot of laughter. It is about putting a number of objects and substances in different containers. Each person should choose one so that he fins his eyes and he should find out the object by the aroma that gives off. The limit of equipment of objects puts our imagination so we can choose thousands of actions. The person who can recognize the most kind of smells to earn points to their team.

Memory games with cards

Not only can you play cards with entertainments but with a memory storage goal. 4 rows and 13 columns can be formed with a face-down deck of cards. The player must pick up two of those cards from the deck randomly. It should be checked if the numbers on the cards are different. If so, these cards will be left face down again and it will be another player’s turn. The goal of the game is to get the maximum number of pairs of cards and determine who is in the winner.

Simon says

This type of games is performed with 3 or more people. One of the participants stops that by the name Simon. This person is the one who leads the action. The rest of the participants must do what Simon says. The trick is in the magic phrase “Simon says.” If Simon says “Simon says jump” players should listen to it. On the contrary, if you just say the word “jump” they should not listen to it or they will be deleted.

Determine name and song

To make memories in memory there are games for the elderly with songs most listened to from their times. You can catch a random song for a short time. We will give you a total of about 10 songs and participants will have to write down the name of the song on a role. The winner will be the one who has the most hits for the song.

Chained Words

Another of the most classic games of all time. It consists of chaining words in such a way that the last syllable of a word is the beginning of the next. This activity can be done in small groups or in several stages to make competitions between groups.

Puzzles of sayings

It is known that older people have been handled all their lives through the Spanish sayer. If we are in a group of people we can choose the best known sayings and order them on a table. The goal is to unite them and form the complete saying. The fastest group will earn points and earn rewards.

Each sheep with his partner

This game is quite simple but it’s fun at the same time. Various objects are placed on top of a table. These objects must be of different categories. This allows the participant to group objects in the same category. These objects can be for example: buttons, cereals, marbles, writing objects, legumes, etc.

Guess what it is

This game gets participants can laugh quite a lot. This is a boom that is done by groups. He denied what is needed is a bag that doesn’t allow you to see what’s inside. We will introduce into the interior an object that the elderly person should describe. The person cannot look just to use the touch. The rest of the group should guess what object is inside the bag.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the best games for seniors. Do not forget that older people must be active at all times and continue to relate.

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