We can talk about this term as another label for cataloguing the sexual behavior of a person’s life. Demisexuality is a very little known word that is beginning to be used in many people when they have a different type of sexual orientation than the terms that are already implanted.
We know heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality and asexuality as words related to sexual attraction, towards people of the same or different sex or even having no absolute attraction. That is why there are people already cataloged with the term demisexuality, admit to have attraction but with some resignation.
Definition of demisexuality
Demisexuality is a term that has been coined since 2006, according to the Network for Asexual Education and Visibility (AVEN), where it represents a person with sexual feeling and attraction to another person, but only and exclusively without having forged a deep emotional bond towards that person.
This type of people are on their way to being asexual, but it is not because they can complete their sexuality, but always forging that sensitive and affective bond.
It is to be understood that this fact usually corroborates that there are many people with this kind of feeling, that is, they feel an erotic attraction, but it has to be linked to their emotional ties. The truth is that it is true, but demisexual people need to have a more intense and emotional way to maintain a relationship.
Your personality in depth:
usually don’t feel any kind of attraction to any kind, although apparently anyone may like it. But in the carnal issue it is a taboo subject for them, perhaps it is something that has accompanied them throughout their lives, or perhaps their life has made them rethink in an act that has withdrawn them in such a way.
Of all these consequences, there is none that can justify in the present what this type of person may feel. Usually this person does not feel attraction without love. At first glance they are unable to feel sexual desire, even though this staff is very eye-catching or beautiful. Their feelings will be forged over time, within that person, with the emotional bond between the two and when all subjects are treated for good, spiritual level.
By this I mean, if the person moves away by some consequent factor, the demisexual will not miss him much, perhaps the little bond he maintained will cool again.
This does not mean that this person is repulsed by the subject of sex, perhaps enjoy solitary sexual activities such as masturbation or viewing pornographic material. Perhaps here you will imagine the situations you would like to share with the person devised.
Grey sexuality or disexuality
They are two even terms, with equal and reciprocal consequences. It’s the same way of calling this type of people.
They are people who are halfway between sexuality and asexuality, since sex is not their main source for maintaining a relationship at first glance. They are also not very reluctant to carnal desire, because they can in the future maintain a sexual level with the desired person, but always at a low level, as it is not their greatest desire.
To explain it better, according to AVEN, half of the respondents used to share in feeling an indifference to sex, while the other half maintained a favorable attitude, only 16% felt totally repulsed by the sexual act.
What are your relationships like?
Most people feel a kind of attraction from the first moment, arising to have sexual intercourse consistently. Demisexuals do not act like this, they find it hard to cope with this situation if they barely know the other person.
When a positive response to another person arises it may take a long time and even years to feel for the first time sexual attraction, they will be watching how their instincts are awakened over time or in their lives.
How to conclude we can not logically encompass all styles and forms about sexual tendencies. Only the already known and existing terms are those that logically more people could encompass, for their seemingly framed and precise sexuality.
With regard to a final reflection it is concluded that there are personalities who feel attraction and desire at first glance, others who will be very selective in particular, and others who will not be barely attracted throughout their lives. Every person is free to feel and happen their sexual diversity. Each person is different, but not for this reason we have to categorize it as better or worse than the rest of society. This makes him a unique person and that is why he should feel free about his sexuality.